


In 1528 Cortès presented the Spanish King, Charles V with cocoa beans from the New World and the necessary tools for its preparation. For all its regal importance, however, Montezuma's chocolatl was very bitter, and the Spaniards did not find it to their taste. To make the concoction more agreeable to Europeans, Cortez and his countrymen conceived of the idea of sweetening it with cane sugar.

While they took chocolatl back to Spain, the idea found favor and the drink underwent several more changes with newly discovered spices, such as nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon and vanilla. Ultimately, someone decided the drink would taste better if served hot.

The new drink won friends, especially among the Spanish aristocracy. Spain wisely proceeded to plant cocoa in its overseas colonies, which gave birth to a very profitable business. Europe could not get enough of this sweet drink. Many countries established cacao-growing colonies in conquered countries in Africa and the Far East, and because of the huge amount of labour needed to maintain plantations, slavery quickly followed. In the Americas, the forced labour of the Native Americans in sugar and cocoa plantations, combined with exposure to European diseases their immune systems could not fight, led to the decimation of many tribes. The need for more slaves triggered mass importing of African slaves.

But while millions suffered for the sake of cocoa, Europe was just beginning to experiment with the drink.

Remarkably enough, the Spanish succeeded in keeping a secret the source of the drink - the beans - from the rest of Europe for nearly a hundred years. So much so that when the British captured a Spanish vessel loaded with cocoa beans in 1579, the cargo was destroyed as useless.

Had it not been for the expulsion and forced conversion of Jews from the Iberian Peninsula in the late 15th century, chocolate as we know it today might not have become the most favored flavor in the world.

Benjamin d'Acosta de Andrade, a Portuguese "marrano" (secret Jew) who had settled on the island of Martinique in the French West Indies in about 1650, established the first cacao-processing plant. He then used his connections--particularly his relatives in Amsterdam--to export cacao to Europe. Over time, he and other Jews became significant players in the cacao trade, angering their envious competitors, who convinced the French government to bar all Jews from Martinique. Relocating in the late 1600s to the Dutch colony of Curaçao, an island off the west coast of Venezuela, d'Acosta and other Jews reestablished their business, now shipping cacao grown in Venezuela to Amsterdam for chocolate production. In addition, they exported sugar and vanilla from South America.
Chocolate Spreads to Europe

It was Jews that are credited with bringing chocolate to other European countries. It is a miserable story, full of conspiracy and tyranny. Spanish and Portuguese Jews, seeking refuge from persecution by the Inquisition in the seventeenth century, found asylum in the Atlantic port of Bayonne, in South West France, close to the Spanish border. They settled in Saint-Esprit, on the other side of the Ardour River, across from Bayonne. [Histoire des juifs de Bayonne, H Léon, 1893] Although the Jews were afforded asylum, there were restrictions on land ownership, profession, residence and travel, and they were subjected to special taxes. They were required to leave the city every evening by sunset and return across the river to Saint-Esprit.

However, they brought with them the tools and expert knowledge of transforming cocoa into chocolate, together with their contacts in the New World. They were the only experts in this new craft, and although they were precluded from retail commerce, they went to make chocolate at the shops of Bayonnais grocers and even took their tools to the homes of the rich.

There was continuous tension between the Saint-Esprit Jewish community and municipal leaders and in 1602 Henry IV specifically charged the governors of the city of Bayonne to provide the Jews with protection.

The tools that these Jews brought to France had changed little from those of pre-Columbian Olmecs, Maya and Aztecs, grinding the roasted beans with a roller on a heated concave granite stone. This yielded a semi-liquid mass, to which sugar and spices were added, and which was then shaped by hand. Soon Bayonnais workers, following their example, learned to make chocolate, and their numbers steadily increased to the point that a new guild, that of chocolatiers, was constituted. The intention was to restrict the production of chocolate to members of the guild. Membership was obviously not open to Jews. Eventually, in 1767, the courts annulled the guild statutes, but it was too late because the Jews were already long ago pushed out of chocolate making by then. [Crafting the Culture and History of French Chocolate, S J Terrio, 2000]

It did not take long before chocolate was acclaimed throughout Europe as a delicious, health-giving food. In 1643, The French Court Embraces Chocolate: When the Spanish Princess Maria Theresa was betrothed to Louis XIV of France; she gave her fiancé an engagement gift of chocolate, packaged in an elegantly ornate chest. Chocolate was extremely popular with Louis XIV and the members of his Court at Versailles. Louis XIV, The Sun King as he was known, reigned for over 74 years [1643 to 1715] and is considered to be one of the greatest absolute monarchs. His foresight leads him to appoint Sieur David illou to manufacture and sell chocolate.

Chocolate drinking spread across the Channel to Great Britain, and again, Jews are credited with its introduction. A Jewish proprietress opened the earliest English coffeehouse in Oxford in 1650. [Talking of Tea, G Huxley, 1956] Six years later in 1656 Oliver Cromwell formally allowed Jews back into England, but they had begun arriving from Holland before then, bringing tea, coffee and chocolate drinking with them.


38 件のコメント:

  1. Wedel Lotte
    Guylian Lottte
    メリーチョコレートカムパニー ロッテ

  2. https://everrichquan.wordpress.com/2010/07/16/英国のスイーティー、ベルギー視察(1)/

  3. Bayonne Chocolate Festival celebrates key role of Sephardic Jews in French chocolate heritage

  4. The Dark Side Of Chocolate - Modern Slavery

  5. Fiji cacao japanese

  6. History of cocoa farming in Fiji

  7. chocolate shortage ebola fungus

  8. pms chocolate cravings

  9. to blend milk into chocolate

  10. The Christmas Truce

  11. 薔薇市場も甘い香りの裏には、過酷な労働環境や農薬や殺菌剤の多用による大地の汚染や健康問題が潜んでいるが、巨大なマーケットと甘美な印象を徹底して植え付ける「原理」の大勝利は揺らぐことはない。

  12. 2015.1.24 15:53


    Theobromine poisoning


  13. http://www.salonduchocolat.fr/accueil.aspx

  14. チョコレート 薄くなった

  15. 尿路結石症の予防のために

    1) とりすぎに気をつけるもの:シュウ酸、尿酸、動物性蛋白質、砂糖、塩分、脂肪が多いもの

  16. Tal in the Salon du Chocolat with a chocolate dress.

  17. site:www.pbo.gr.jp/ チョコレートORカカオ


  18. 呼吸チョコ

  19. Anti-ageing chocolate which reduces wrinkles developed by Cambridge University spin-off
    A daily 7.5g bar of the chocolate can change the underlying skin stucture of a 50 year old to that of someone in their 30s, say developers



  20. hanukkah gelt

  21. st. valentine's day



  22. Child labour on Nestlé farms: chocolate giant's problems continue
    Joe Sandler Clarke
    Wednesday 2 September 2015 14.34 BST

    Nespresso 'What Else' 

    Not on Our Watch (organization)

  23. 大麻チョコ密輸で米音楽家告発
    03月25日 16時34分

  24. カカオの木は老木になると病害虫に非常に弱くて産地の転換に迫られているそうで、アマゾンの熱帯雨林を再開発してカカオ農園に仕立てる計画もあるとか。

  25. craving chocolate pms pregnancy

  26. coffee industry pesticide climate change


  27. Chocolate industry drives rainforest disaster in Ivory Coast
    The Guardian-Sep 13, 2017
    Chocolate industry drives rainforest disaster in Ivory Coast ... Ivory Coast and documented rainforests cleared for cocoa plantation; .... the fact that one on soy worked well to stop deforestation in the Amazon. ... It is also the responsibility of the Conseil Café Cacao, the state regulator for coffee and cocoa, ...

  28. North Korea bans popular Choco Pie snack from South Korea to ...
    National Post-Jul 4, 2014
    Kim Jong-un has reportedly banned South Korean managers from giving a popular chocolate and marshmallow treat to employees at a North ...

  29. Snorting lines of CHOCOLATE is the latest way to get high in Europe's ...
    May 31, 2016 - A new craze of snorting lines of cocoa is sweeping through Europe's clubs ... One club boasts of 'nights where natural high vibes roam wild and free' .... How to guide: Users fill two spoons with the powder which is fixed to

  30. Is Cocoa the New Cocaine? Clubbers Are Getting High on Chocolate ...
    Jul 8, 2016 - If you are looking to score tonight without breaking the law or having to put dangerous cr*p like heroin, cocaine, meth, alcohol or tobacco in ...

  31. Huge cacao plantation in Peru illegally developed on forest-zoned land
    Jul 16, 2016 - A massive cacao plantation in the Amazon rainforest of northern Peru has been dealt another legality blow. Researchers say that the vast ...

    Chocolate industry drives rainforest disaster in Ivory Coast ...
    https://www.theguardian.com › Environment › Deforestation
    Sep 13, 2017 - Exclusive: As global demand for chocolate booms, 'dirty' beans from deforested ... Ivory Coast and documented rainforests cleared for cocoa plantation; .... fact that one on soy worked well to stop deforestation in the Amazon.

    Can Peru stop 'ethical chocolate' from destroying the Amazon ...
    https://www.theguardian.com › Environment › Amazon rainforest
    Apr 17, 2015 - The Tamshiyacu plantation in northern Peru where it is alleged a United Cacao subsidiary illegally cleared primary rainforest. Photograph: ...

  32. Does Eating Chocolate Make Your Brain Younger? - BBC
    Dec 11, 2017 - The theory is that bioactives within chocolate called flavanols can help reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and even make your brain 30 years younger! But isn’t this all a bit too good to be true? The BBC’s Head of Statistics, Robert Cuffe, investigates whether research findings are misrepresented by funders, PR machines and the media.

  33. Experts fear chocolate will run out in 30 years because cacao plants are dying in hot climates
    NEWS.com.au 13h ago

  34. チョコブリの初めての試食会
    Mon, 19 Nov 2018 19:23:00 +090

    健康志向のチョコレートが人気となる中、抗酸化作用があるチョコレートを食べて育ったブリを味わう試食会が宇和島市で開かれました。 「チョコブリ」は養殖のブリの課題となっていた切り身にしたあとの変色を防ぎ、切りたてのきれいな色を保つため愛媛県などがえさに工夫をこらして育てるのに成功しました。 19日は、宇和島市にある愛媛県の水産研究センターで、出荷に向けた県の職員や漁業関係者による試食会が初めて開かれました。 ブリに水揚げまでの20日間ほど、抗酸化作用のあるポリフェノールを含むチョコレートを混ぜたえさを与えることで、通常は2日ほどで変色して商品価値が下がるものが、この「チョコブリ」は5日間程度、鮮やかな色を保つことができるということです。 試食会では、5日前に切り身にしたブリと、通常のえさで育てきょう切り身にしたものが用意され、参加した人たちは、歯ごたえや味わいを確かめました。 参加者からは、「チョコブリは5日たっててもきれいな色でびっくりしました。うまみもでて食べやすいので好まれると思います」などと話していました。 愛媛県などでは、国内や日本食の人気が高まるアメリカなど海外に1月終わりごろからの出荷を目指して準備を進めることにしています。

  35. cacao jesuits spain portugal dutch slave

  36. チョコレートで老化を止める? | 美と若さの新常識~カラダのヒミツ~ ...
    https://www.nhk.or.jp › beautyscience-blog
    2019/02/12 · ブリの切り身の血合いの部分は、どうしても酸化されやすい。その酸化を防ぐのが、 チョコレートの中のカカオです。カカオの中には、たくさんのポリフェノールというものが含まれていて、それ ...

  37. The Economics of Chocolate
    https://books.google.co.jp › books
    Mara P. Squicciarini、 Johan Swinnen · 2016 · Social Science
    In Brazil, the Jesuits had discovered regions in the Amazon where wild cocoa trees were growing. They used the native population to collect cocoa beans in the jungle. The trade in cocoa beans ...

    Cultural Forests of the Amazon: A Historical Ecology of ...
    https://books.google.co.jp › books
    William Balée、 William L. Balée · 2013 · Science
    Even after the expulsion ofthe Jesuits from the Portuguese Empire in 1759—1760, most ofthe cacao exported from the Amazon still came from collecting expeditions rather than from cultivated trees ...

    Cocoa and Chocolate, 1765-1914
    William Gervase Clarence-Smith · 2003 · History
    Spanish cocoa planters also went south, founding a new settlement in Pichucalco (Gerhard ... of the Jesuits in the late 1750s, their flagship estate in the Amazon, containing 40, 000 cocoa trees, ...

    Amazon Peasant Societies in a Changing Environment: Political ...
    Cristina Adams、 Rui S. S. Murrieta、 Walter A. Neves · 2008 · Social Science
    The cacao export sector of the colonial Amazonian economy fell under the control of Jesuit ... to collect cacao in the interior from spontaneous trees, whereas significantly less cacao came from ...

    Jesuit Contribution to Science: A History
    Agustín Udías · 2014 · Religion
    Acuña located the source of the Amazon River near the mountains of Guanamá and Pulcá and ... Plants are described in detail beginning with the trees in great number, diversity and size: “the ...

  38. Cadbury's and the Quakers' vision of Utopia that built a British institution | Daily Mail Online

    2010/01/19 · The Cadburys were a Quaker family who had moved from Exeter to run a draper's shop in ... It was their Quaker beliefs which steered them into the fledgling chocolate industry, just ...
